Selena Gomez is suffering from emotional issues and anxiety attacks, and has been self-medicating with a dangerous combination of substances. According to a tabloid new report, anyway … Gomez was open about her emotional issues and anxiety struggles, which she claims were a reason – or the reason – behind her last trip to rehab. With the star jet-setting around the globe doing interviews and appearances, and now her world tour announcement , there’s no rest for the weary. All of the exposure she’s been getting – and no, we don’t mean the Selena Gomez nude kind of exposure – has come at a heavy price, insiders say. The stress, chaos and fatigue have triggered severe anxiety attacks, and she’s been self-medicating with things that are far from “Good For You.” [Virtual high-five to us on that one, right?!] “Selena’s panic attacks are crippling on some days,” says a source close to the struggling 23-year-old. “It’s worse than ever before.” “They start with heart palpitations and they escalate to where her whole body goes rigid. She usually just crawls into a ball and hyperventilates.” Wow. And not over Bieber this time, either. Sometimes it feels like she’s alright, the insider adds. On the flip side, other times, the all-consuming panic attacks feel inevitable, “it will happen every day for more than two weeks straight.” Yikes. And the problems don’t end there. Selena has reportedly been prescribed Klonopin and Ativin for her anxiety attacks, on top of the drugs she takes for her Lupus. Combined with alcohol, that can be a deadly mixture, and her family and friends reportedly fear she is headed down a dark road. Says one concerned source close to her: “She is careening towards rock bottom again. We are talking about having an intervention because Selena needs a reality check, and help fast.” The only cure? Start having sex with Justin Bieber again. That should clear her mind in the short term … or possibly make things 100 times worse. Either way, it’s worth a shot.
See the original post here:
Selena Gomez: Suffering From Anxiety! Addicted to Klonopin, Ativan & Booze (Supposedly)!