Chrissy Teigen is some ethnic busty model from SI who I consider part of the stepfather family. Not because I am black or asian and not because I am her husband, John Legend’s long lost relative from the same orphanage or wherever he learned to play piano before landing a gold digging modeling wife. Not that she’s necessarily a gold digger, I don’t know her personal finances, maybe she’s just a fame whore and likes the celebrity connection, because I am sure she could be fucking far richer people than him. Whatever her deal is, she’s definitely not fucking the poor dude in the studio apartment down the street because girls are all the fucking same and always choose the good life. I consider her part of the stepfather family, because she tweeted me once, probably something rude, I don’t remember, but it turns out it’s just that easy to get with me people. I’m such a slut. Here’s the video….
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Chrissy Teigen for Beach Bunny of the Day