Born to a Japanese mother and an African-American father, Ariana Miyamoto broke new ground on March 8 when she was crowned the Miss Japan competition’s…
Born to a Japanese mother and an African-American father, Ariana Miyamoto broke new ground on March 8 when she was crowned the Miss Japan competition’s…
Washington Post: By most of the rest of the the world’s standards, Ariana Miyamoto is thoroughly Japanese. The 20-year-old model is a Japanese citizen, a native of Sasebo in Nagasaki prefecture with an advanced mastery of the art of Japanese calligraphy, according to RockeNewst24, a Tokyo-based news blog. Have you heard her speak Japanese, the language spoken by the people occupying the volcanic archipelago known as “Japan”? She does it really well — like a native speaker, without a trace of a foreign accent, because she is, in fact, Japanese. Turn the pages for more pictures of the beauty…