Tag Archives: armas-topless

Ana De Armas Nipples of the Day

Ana De Armas is in some VIVA CUBA! style scene with her full tit out, as they need to be, because if you’re an actress who wants to be taken seriously, you need to broaden your audience and this is how you do it… Her story – exciting – how could a child of communism make it in America despite the CUBAN Embargo.. Did she swim across to Key West, or ride a make-shift raft like Elian Gonzalez… Is she in exile due to breaching the communist regime, or maybe she was hot enough to get married to a Foreigner who was there on vacation, something we see a lot of in Canada, because Cuba was the asshole resort destination for poor white people…. Which means the often time underage hookers are affordable…cuz the money there isn’t there…we’re talking week long all inclusives, flight and everything for 700 dollars travel.. I mean who cares about her when looking at the tits is what it’s about. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Ana De Armas Nipples of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Ana De Armas Nipples of the Day