Tag Archives: arts-whether

Ex-Infinity Ward Leaders To Discuss Their "Creative Future" Soon

What’s next for Jason West and Vince Zampella, the former heads of Infinity Ward? We may have the answer soon. The duo’s lawyer released a statement to the LA Times that promises an “announcement very soon” that directly addresses the “creative future” of both developers. The statement pushes back at Activision’s lawsuit and paints Zampella and West in a positive light during the now-past negotiating phase with their former publisher. “Activision itself proposed spinning off Infinity Ward when, last year, it sought to renegotiate Jason and Vince’s contract,” reads the statement, “and induce them to forego developing a new game in favor of doing another Modern Warfare sequel. Jason and Vince had hired the Creative Artists Agency to advise them in their negotiations with Activision, and not to breach their contract.” Activision alleges West and Zampella were conversing with the company’s “closest competitor,” widely believed to be Electronic Arts. Whether the upcoming announcement is connected to EA is anybody’s guess, but it wouldn’t be the first time Activision and EA went head-to-head.

Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker Trailer Introduces The Names And Faces In The Walk Of Peace

We’ve all come to know and love the faces of Hideo Kojima’s characters. A vibrant and eclectic grouping of some of the most unique characters around. Metal Gear Solid: Peacewalker would like to introduce the names and faces on your walk to peace. Watch Larger Version | Watch HD Version Hideo Kojima – metal-gear-solid-peace-walker – Metal Gear – Metal Gear Solid – Peacewalker

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Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker Trailer Introduces The Names And Faces In The Walk Of Peace