Tia Norfleet Lied About Being First African-American Female NASCAR Driver We were all proud when it was announced that Tia Norfleet was NASCAR’s first Africa-American female driver. It was a monumental moment. But now it’s all crashing down. The NY Times has revealed that Norfleet hasn’t actually accomplished anything she’s going around claiming she did. Apparently Norfleet isn’t even licensed to compete at any level and one raced one actual lap. Also, back in 2005 and 2009 she was arrested for assault and drug-related offenses. So while we were celebrating her ascent, it’s clear Norfleet is lying through her teeth. Oh well. At least we can enjoy her for the semi-banger she is. Maybe a reality show can be in her future.
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NASCAR’s Banger First African-American Woman Driver Tia Norfleet Turns Out To Be A Lying Fraud…SMH