A three year old in the process of being potty-trained earned his mother a giant ticket from Piedmont, Calif., police … for preparing to go to the bathroom in his own yard. The toddler wasn’t near the facilities, so he unzipped. That mistake will cost $2,500. Before he could urinate, a Piedmont cop stopped him. Says mom Ashley Warden: “Dillan pulled down his pants to pee outside , I guess and the cop pulled up and asked for my license and told me he was going to give me a ticket for public urination.” “I said really, he is three years old, and he said it doesn’t matter. It is public urination. I said we are on our property and he said it’s in public view.” They also point out the street is actually quite rural, yet the Wardens who live on two and half acres say this one officer parks at the end of their street daily. “It’s a public street and he wants to, so he can,” Warden said. The Wardens filed a complaint with the department. “I am disappointed that this police officer thinks this is what he needs to do with my tax dollars is sitting and harassing our family,” Warden said. Warden said as a courtesy, the officer wrote down the cost of ticket. She plans on fighting the ticket since she says her son didn’t actually finish the act. The police department didn’t accept the Warden’s complaint; a court date is set for next month. Here’s hoping a judge tosses the case faster than Dillan dropped his pants.
See the article here:
Three-Year-Old Pees in Yard, Gets $2,500 Ticket