Spider-Man is from Brooklyn and his name is Miles Morales, a teenager who was bitten by a radioactive spider while spray painting down in the subway. Like in the traditional Spider-Man story Miles suddenly develops mysterious powers that give him special abilities. Ending up at the wrong place at the wrong time, Miles crosses paths with Peter Parker, while he was in the middle of a battle with the evil Kingpin a madman who wants to open a portal to bring back his family, but instead of his family he cracks open the Spider-Verse. This week on Extra Butter with Xilla Valentine, we get an inside look at Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse starring Brian Tyree Henry, Shamiek Moore, Luna Lauren Velez, Jake Johnson, and Oscar Award Winner Mahershala Ali. During our conversation, we spoke about how animated they had to get inside the sound booth. Jake said the director wanted realism so it was hard to half-ass the antics, “If you tried to phone it in, we had three directors with Chris and Phil in the room and they would call you on it.” Jake goes on to reveal that he’s not a man who loves to fake run while doing voice work, “But you gotta keep going until they would all say we believe it. So, in the end, you got to act like you’re running around and jumping and Thwip Thwip and all this but you got to go for it.” Shamiek Moore was also surprised at some of the references they used because he would have said it a different way but he does recognize the mistakes gave character to Miles. Moore said, “I learned that by just going through the process of just talking and being like oh shoot I messed up… And I was like oh shoot they used that.” Brian Tyree Henry plays the father of Miles and he was extremely thrilled to be able to work with his co-star. I keep saying this but Luna is my jam, I mean if you go back to NYU to OZ this is the jam. This is the quintessential mami of New York and I was like if that’s the case and this is who is playing my wife then I better really add my flavor. With a great cast and a killer story Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse is the year’s best animated movie. Go see it when it hits theaters this Friday.
Source: Courtesy of Isiah (IG: @_callme_zay) Conversation surrounding criminal justice reform is gaining traction as world leaders like President Barack Obama and business moguls like Jay-Z call out widespread racial disparities in the prison system. Obama took a ton of important steps toward change, including being the first president to (very publicly) visit a prison and spend time with convicts, banning juvenile solitary confinement, and commuting a total of 1,175 sentences (330 in a single day). Jay-Z brought to light the devastating story of Kalief Browder , a young man from the Bronx who spent three terrible years in jail even though he was never convicted of a crime. After all he’d been through, Browder tragically committed suicide. And of course we can’t forget about Meek Mill getting politically active, as he calls out the injustices he, himself, has faced at the hands of the justice system. Meek’s stories give those who can’t relate to being locked up an insider’s look at how young black men are targeted and kept behind bars for extended periods of time. The movement is beginning to mobilize and more and more people are beginning to do their part to create the change we’d all like to see. Cue a young man from Harlem who’s sharing an incredible story of resistance this week. His name is Isiah , he’d been locked up on Rikers Island in 2016 when the warden broke a promise she’d made regarding game 7 in the NBA Finals and all hell broke loose. How he handled the escalating dispute and what he has to say about it today will give you chills. Isiah told Humans Of NY , “Every month in prison they had something called Inmate Council, where you get to meet with the prison administration and make suggestions. I volunteered to be the representative for my housing unit. And toward the end of the meeting, the warden asked if anyone had questions or concerns.” At the time, the Cleveland Cavaliers were going against the Golden State Warriors and the fellas just wanted to be able to tune in. “The NBA finals were going on at the time. So I raised my hand and asked: ‘If the Cavs force a game seven, can we keep the TV on past lock up time?’ And she agreed. She agreed in front of everyone,” Isiah explained. But things didn’t go as planned. “So when game seven came around, all of us were excited. We gathered around the TV in the dayroom to watch the game. But right as the second quarter was starting, the television clicked off. The CO came down and tried to kick everybody out. I told her the warden gave us permission, but she said it didn’t matter. And that’s when things began to go downhill. We refused to leave. The CO went behind a protected gate and pulled the silent alarm. We grabbed all the tables and chairs and stacked them up against the door. We covered the floor in shampoo and water. The security team came back with riot gear and huge cans of pepper spray, but we kept the door closed for over two hours. When they finally got inside, they were slipping all over the place. We just laid down on the floor and put our hands behind our back. I was given thirty days in solitary confinement. But I had to do the right thing,” he told Humans Of NY. Reflecting on his decision at the time, he added “Women are allowed to vote because some woman wanted to vote. The Civil Rights Movement started because Rosa Parks didn’t want to get out of her seat. And next time there’s a game seven of the NBA Finals, I bet they’re going to leave the TV on in Building Six at Rikers Island.” When Global Grind reached out for more details about that scary day, Isiah said since he was removed from the housing area he isn’t sure what the warden had to say for herself after the fact. However, he told us that at his Disciplinary Action meeting it’d been pretty obvious the guards turned off all the cameras at the time of the inmates’ sit-in. “When I asked them to show the cameras, they said they were ‘off’ and not working because they are new. But I know they weren’t telling the truth because they’d recently installed a camera they could control remotely. One night the camera was facing the front, the next morning the camera was facing the back of the housing area—and Rikers cameras are recording constantly to precent inmate on inmate violence.” Isiah mentioned, “This is what they do when they want to get away with assaulting you.” Today, the Game Design major has one semester left at Hostos Community College before he graduates. He tells Global Grind, “All I want to do is show my peers that it’s never too late to turn your life around and get on the right path.” [ione_media_gallery src=”https://globalgrind.cassiuslife.com” id=”3882098″ overlay=”true”]
A three year old in the process of being potty-trained earned his mother a giant ticket from Piedmont, Calif., police … for preparing to go to the bathroom in his own yard. The toddler wasn’t near the facilities, so he unzipped. That mistake will cost $2,500. Before he could urinate, a Piedmont cop stopped him. Says mom Ashley Warden: “Dillan pulled down his pants to pee outside , I guess and the cop pulled up and asked for my license and told me he was going to give me a ticket for public urination.” “I said really, he is three years old, and he said it doesn’t matter. It is public urination. I said we are on our property and he said it’s in public view.” They also point out the street is actually quite rural, yet the Wardens who live on two and half acres say this one officer parks at the end of their street daily. “It’s a public street and he wants to, so he can,” Warden said. The Wardens filed a complaint with the department. “I am disappointed that this police officer thinks this is what he needs to do with my tax dollars is sitting and harassing our family,” Warden said. Warden said as a courtesy, the officer wrote down the cost of ticket. She plans on fighting the ticket since she says her son didn’t actually finish the act. The police department didn’t accept the Warden’s complaint; a court date is set for next month. Here’s hoping a judge tosses the case faster than Dillan dropped his pants.
Worth a listen – a right character! Yeoman Warden At Tower Of London, Part II Of Four H/T The Bish Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Mostly Safe For Work Discovery Date : 17/03/2011 21:57 Number of articles : 2