Tag Archives: asian-artist

Dana Wright for Some Campaign of the Day

I was happy to see these pictures of Dana Wright on the internet – posing for some hipster looking Purple Magazine published campaign shot by some little asian artist chick – probably on film – as that is what differentiates the instagram photographers – and the instagram photographers with a scanner. Funny enough, Dana Wright is one of the few models I post about who I actually know. I think I’ve hung out with her once or twice..maybe even 3 times. At the time, she was the American Apparel house model – traveling the world posing in their Hipster take on The Gap…and from what I remember, she’s dark, she’s funny, she’s tall, skinny and hot…and she wouldn’t have sex with..they never have sex with me…but I feel like I’ve won…because I just had sex with her.

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Dana Wright for Some Campaign of the Day