I wasn’t getting my fill of nudity today. It’s been a fucking downer. When my entire life is based on internet nudity of bitches I don’t know but hate. So I had to get desperate, and turn to Kate Winslet’s fat chick mom tits in some HBO miniseries I have no plan on ever watching, all because she is showing some fucking tit….. Unfortunately, nudity on TV, no matter what country it is in, no matter what girl is doing it, is always worth watching…at least when you’re me and have nothing better to do…. FOLLOW ME
Here’s Saskia Reeves, Olivia Grant and Rosamund Pike getting kina naked in Women in Love Part 1, a miniseries in the UK, that I can only assume the USA is going to recreate like it was the Office, Shameless and whatever else they’ve licensed in their creative slump they’ve been in… Kate Winslet (see last post) didn’t cut it in terms of giving me my fix of nudity today, so I had to turn to the UK and see if those chimney sweeping motherfucker took some time away from their soot covered, glamor model filled, Royal Wedding obsessed, world to produce some less conservative TV programming, because despite being pegged as a crotchedy, uptight, conservative, boring people, the Brits are more laid back than America….cuz the Brits aren’t controlled by cowboys and christians and christian cowboys who I like to call fun killers. …. What all this comes down to is that nudity on TV, no matter what country it is in, is worth watching….. FOLLOW ME Here are the girls in this Women in Love Part 1 are Saskia Reeves with some bush…. Olivia Grant Rosamund Pike