Tag Archives: their-creative

Kendall and Kylie Shit On Vintage T-Shirts of the Day

Kendall Jenner and her fat sister who we can assume is Kim Kardashian’s first daughter with some black dude, or that they created in a used condom left under her bed, assuming she ever used a condom, and I’m sure she didn’t, but maybe it was just like some back alley puddle grown Kylie after a Kim K Queef….We can never be too sure… But we do know she’s a monster with her jacked up face, all muppet like, targeting the black market and modifiying herself to be a cartoon character rappers fuck, and cheat on with 10 groupies, and fuck again since it is good for business.. Well, their creative directors at their brand that they signed off on, or that their mom signed off on – put out the weirdest collection of vintage t-shirts silk screened with images of either of the girls, the Kylie is the weirdest as it is a screenshot of her instagram slutty pic page, that they screened over classic rock shirts….and even a 2 pac and Biggie shirt..that I can’t find on their site….because they are that bold and exciting and know how to offend people enough to get them to buy into their shit – because here I am posting the shit….knowing it is just trolling the world… They are 125 dollars….and I know they totally strategized this because now people will buy them just to be part of the meme…SMART people run these people… MARKETING. Here’s Kylie for sunglasses – Weird Bodied and Nipple-less… The post Kendall and Kylie Shit On Vintage T-Shirts of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Kendall and Kylie Shit On Vintage T-Shirts of the Day

Vanessa Moody for Vogue Germany of the Day

Vanessa Moody is a real model, as opposed to an instagram model, who gets in actual magazines, walks actual runways, makes actual money all because of the right measurements of tall and skinny, and not because she gets half naked on instagram for brands that don’t pay her, for photographers that don’t matter, all to have a million fans who don’t actually care about her…instead she gets naked for real photographers, real magazines, wearing real brands, for real money, a concept that is so fucking foreign in this distracted social media filled world…and I’m into it, because I am a purist, who feels models should be decided by snobby agency people and not the public…. Here she is getting naked enough in Vogue…

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Vanessa Moody for Vogue Germany of the Day

Candice and Doutzem Kroes for Manic Magazine of the Day

I don’t know anything about Manic Magazine, but I think it is safe to say that their editorial team, or their creative director, or whoever the fuck works at the magazine coordinating shoots, has done a great job scanning pics from random Victoria’s Secret Catalogs…I mean unless they actually had access to Doutzen Kroes and Candice Swanepoel and decided that they’ll uses them exactly how they are always used, even though they are willing to do so much more…in which case…is a total fucking fail…

More here:
Candice and Doutzem Kroes for Manic Magazine of the Day

Kate Upton Cleavage for Some Campaign of the Day

Kate Upton was hired to do some campaign for some company I am not going to bother to track down to tell you about, because ultimately, they don’t matter, but luckily their creative director understood a very simple thing when it came to shooting this campaign with Kate Upton…and that is…show off her tits, make her face look pretty basic, but hide that double chin, and at all costs…hide her stomach…loose fitting shirts that are low-cut for the win…cuz when I see Kate Upton like this, her awkward shape, doesn’t bother me, and her sloppy tits are fun to look at… Don’t confuse this as me endorsing Kate Upton, I already feel like she’s won too much at life and it’s time of her to back seat…

Go here to read the rest:
Kate Upton Cleavage for Some Campaign of the Day

Contraband International Trailer: Mark Wahlberg Gets Tough for a Change

Remember Oscar season 2010-11? Remember we had to keep caring about The Fighter ? I can’t believe how long we had to care about The Fighter . For me it was the Cold Mountain of 2011. The louder you squawked, the better your Oscar chances. Did you wave your hands frantically a lot of the time? Did you steal your accent from an SNL table read? See you at the dais. Anyway, I’m still sore with Mark Wahlberg, and I’m approaching the international trailer for his new movie Contraband with that rancor. It comes out in January, so it has to be laughable. Let’s laugh.

Contraband International Trailer: Mark Wahlberg Gets Tough for a Change

Jay Duplass on Jeff Who Lives at Home, Austin’s Slacker Savants and the Duplass Secret to Success

For Mark and Jay Duplass , the sibling team behind The Puffy Chair , Baghead , and last year’s Cyrus , success came only after years of frustration — and only by happy accident. “All we were doing in the late ’90s, in our twenties, was trying to be the Coen brothers ,” Jay Duplass laughed to Movieline, “and failing at that, because the Coen brothers are awesome and they’re already the Coen brothers.” It was only when the brothers Duplass stopped trying so hard, at the end of their creative rope and after years of fruitless attempts, that they found the formula for personal filmmaking that would become their signature.

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Jay Duplass on Jeff Who Lives at Home, Austin’s Slacker Savants and the Duplass Secret to Success

Some Naked Bitches in some UK Miniseries of the Day

Here’s Saskia Reeves, Olivia Grant and Rosamund Pike getting kina naked in Women in Love Part 1, a miniseries in the UK, that I can only assume the USA is going to recreate like it was the Office, Shameless and whatever else they’ve licensed in their creative slump they’ve been in… Kate Winslet (see last post) didn’t cut it in terms of giving me my fix of nudity today, so I had to turn to the UK and see if those chimney sweeping motherfucker took some time away from their soot covered, glamor model filled, Royal Wedding obsessed, world to produce some less conservative TV programming, because despite being pegged as a crotchedy, uptight, conservative, boring people, the Brits are more laid back than America….cuz the Brits aren’t controlled by cowboys and christians and christian cowboys who I like to call fun killers. …. What all this comes down to is that nudity on TV, no matter what country it is in, is worth watching….. FOLLOW ME Here are the girls in this Women in Love Part 1 are Saskia Reeves with some bush…. Olivia Grant Rosamund Pike


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Some Naked Bitches in some UK Miniseries of the Day

NBC Congratulates Conan on Emmy Nod

You can bet that NBC publicists thought long and hard this morning how to handle Conan O’B rien’s Emmy nomination for The Tonight Show . Instead of ignoring their former employee’s success, they waited until media outlets asked them for a response, then offered the following half-hearted pat on the back : “We congratulate Conan and all our nominees on their creative accomplishments and their deserved nominations.” [ THR ]

Read this article:
NBC Congratulates Conan on Emmy Nod

REPORT: Lindsay Lohan Suing E-Trade Over Famed Baby Commercial …

Lindsay Lohan may be busy gallivanting the streets of Paris, popping in and out of fashion shows, but she is still battling some demons back in the US — and 201003.

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REPORT: Lindsay Lohan Suing E-Trade Over Famed Baby Commercial …