Tag Archives: assume-viewers

1,000,000 Gmail calls made in the First 24-hours!

We had reported earlier about the VoIP calling feature that was added to Gmail where you could make phone calls directly from your browser. Today Google tweeted .. http://itgrunts.com/2010/08/27/1000000-gmail-calls-made-in-the-first-24-hours/ added by: itgrunts

Do fictional shows need disclaimers? Or have we gone warning crazy?

Actress Kathryn Joosten, a lung cancer survivor, recently suggested that Mad Men producers should be including a disclaimer on the show saying that smoking is hazardous to your health. Aside from smoking, there are plenty of other ill-advised decisions made by the characters on the show. Should we include warnings for those as well? Perhaps one against false identities or cheating on your wife? In this day and age, is the fact that smoking causes cancer something that we need to be reminded of? Or should we assume viewers recognize that the behavior depicted in the show is a reflection of a different time and place, where we didn’t have the information we do now? added by: sgwhites