Tag Archives: athletes-naked

Chelsea Handler’s Fake Tits Waterski of the Day

Chelsea Handler is the fucking worst…but women liked her cunty brand of comedy, they thought it was funny, I just found it bitter that she never made it, not that I ever really listened to it, I didn’t have cable that her show was on, but I just naturally saw her as the attention seeking fame whore who tried to be an actor, and chose comedy instead, because acting didn’t work for her, and girl comedy is just easy to pull off…and requires very little skill especially when you haver writers… So this 50 year old, constant breast implant flashing, makes sense to me, now that she has no show, the one thing she was defined by…because her ego got inflated and she believed she would be the next Letterman..when really she was just a rude bitch…rather than an intelligent voice..up on some Jimmy Fallon low brow shit… So this is her stance, her platform, all she’s got left…and it’s too bad it’s boring as fuck…you know the spirit is there…but the execution is just garbage…I am sure there will be more to come…even if this shouldn’t make anyone cum. The post Chelsea Handler’s Fake Tits Waterski of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

See the rest here:
Chelsea Handler’s Fake Tits Waterski of the Day

Elisabeth Olsen’s Panty Flash of the Day

The wind was on our side…something that happens very rarely…hut when it does happen, it feels like the gods have spoke, and all the stars have aligned, because the natural elements of the Earth…meet the man-made fabrics of a specific skirt design, allowing us to see Olsen Twin sister heaven… Unfortunately, Elisabeth Olsen was not on our side, because she wore panties…but it does remind me that panty flashes and hard nipples in white t-shirts during rain storms happen all the time…so get outside…if you’re not scared of the world because it is a horrible place, or because you are too lazy to leave your house because it gets in teh way of napping and not wearing pants.. like Me! TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Elisabeth Olsen’s Panty Flash of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Elisabeth Olsen’s Panty Flash of the Day

The Women of ESPN’s Body Issue of the Day

ESPN does a homoerotic issue every year, where they get a bunch of athletes naked, because in case you didn’t know, girl athletes, unless they play tennis and aren’t the big Venus…or surfing…are monsters…with clits bigger than your dick..which isn’t saying much..but it’s saying these sculpted bodies are terrifying.. I guess I just like my girls skinny from eating disorders, not skinny from low body fat due to massive muscle mass…to stay competitive monsters…But they technically have female reproductive organs, even though they seem like machines, so it’s not as gay as jerking off to an actual tranny, something I assume you do….. I mean, I don’t really want to see any of these girls ride my face for hours because they have good cardio…and not just for fear of them rubbing off my face… Here are the pics of girls… VIA ESPN The post The Women of ESPN’s Body Issue of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

See the article here:
The Women of ESPN’s Body Issue of the Day