Tag Archives: attire-affected

Rape Culture: Bill Cosby Juror Admits He Didn’t Believe Andrea Constand Because Of Her Attire

Image via Gilbert Carrasquillo/Pool/Getty Juror Admits Andrea Constand’s Attire Affected Credibility In Cosby Case Many were shocked and disappointed when the judge in Bill Cosby’s sexual assault case declared a mistrial after jurors failed to reach a consensus verdict after 52 hours of deliberation. Slowly but surely, anonymous jurors have begun to speak about their thought process and the things they believed about the testimony they heard. One such juror spoke to DailyMail about why he didn’t really believe Andrea Constand’s story. It’s the unfortunate logic of many men when it comes to rape and sexual assault. “She was asking for it.” The juror said: ‘She was well-coached. Let’s face it: She went up to his house with a bare midriff and incense and bath salts. What the heck?’ While this juror would not reveal how he voted, it’s pretty clear from his statements that he likely did not vote to convict Cosby. He specifically felt that she should have gone to Cosby’s home only if she was ‘dressed properly and left the incense in the store’ in reference to a gift she brought him before the alleged assault. A different juror also revealed that the pool used the typical ignorant logic of time-lapse as a reason to disregard Constand’s testimony: ‘That’s hard for me to believe, that I’ve been injured and it takes a year to report,’ the juror said. ‘Whatever the man did, he’s already paid a price and suffered.’ It’s always a bit shocking to hear people say things like this when discussing the rape or sexual assault of a stranger, because it is HIGHLY unlikely that they would use such dismissive logic toward a woman in their family or a female friend. But there you have it, ignorance as usual.

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Rape Culture: Bill Cosby Juror Admits He Didn’t Believe Andrea Constand Because Of Her Attire