Tag Archives: attract-real

Khloe Kardashian and Her Big Black Boyfriend of the Day

Apparently the 6 foot 5 monster Kardashian, weighing in a 200 lbs, has finally found her match, and by match someone who’s penis she can actually feel inside of her who is no too picky about the pussy he sticks it inside, because up until now she’s only been able to attract real desperate losers, none of whom were 7 foot 2 with penis that even the biggest girls they got with couldn’t take, which really sucked for her, not that she deserved any better, considering she’s fucking vile to look at, but now that she’s on TV she’s been able to get her message out there and I guess someone came knocking’. Pics via PacificCoastNews

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Khloe Kardashian and Her Big Black Boyfriend of the Day