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JustinBieber.famous-celeb.com Where is the best place to get Justin Bieber tickets? On September 23, 2010, the CBS crime drama, CSI Crime Scene Investigation’s season premiere where Bieber guest-stars as a troubled teenager aired. In November 26, 2010, “My Worlds Acoustic” was released, a remix album containing acoustic versions of his previous hits as well as a new song “Pray”.Where is the best place to get Justin Bieber tickets? This was followed by the release of “Justin Bieber: Never Say Never” a music-documentary in 3D. Where is the best place to get Justin Bieber tickets? The music documentary was part-biopic, part-concert it was a hit in the box-office grossing $12.4 million on its opening day and $30 million for weekend. Where is the best place to get Justin Bieber tickets? http://www.youtube.com/v/I4QWPYZ90BA?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata View original post here: Where is the best place to get Justin Bieber tickets?