I went to some crackhead rave shit, or something I thought was going to be crackhead rave shit, because I haven’t gone to a rave since the late 90s, when shit was fucking crackhead, but now it’s all mainstream. It’s like electronic music is top 40, and it was the equivalent of going to one of those mainstream clubs filled with 9-5ers back in the day, only now they were raging, dressed up like this, in sunglasses and wigs, with GOGO dancers and the whole thing was almost like a bad halloween office party, only it was just their Saturday night. So I’m not too surprised to see Vanessa Hudgens “Dub Stepping” in her stupid outfit, I’m just surprised she’s not taking nude pics of herself for attention, but I guess there’s no point in doing that anymore, since she’s not 17. I do appreciate that she’s covering her fat ass with her sweatshirt as girls who are insecure about their bodies do. It’s a good sign. This is convenient, since Vanessa Hudgnes is a clown bitch…
Here is the original post:
Vanessa Hudgens is a Horrible Raver of the Day