Katy Perry has a horrible body. She reminds me of this crippled girl I used to fuck because she was easy….you see despite popular believe, people generally shy away from the cripple girls of they do get guys they are usually there because they are weird, socially awkward, essentially the bottom of the fucking barrel….but I saw opportunity to do things the other girls wouldn’t let me do… Her ass is dumpy, her legs are shitty and thick, she walks like one leg is shorter than the other, but she has great tits and a badly sized bra…but she’s wet and it is see through and sometimes that is enough….

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Katy Perry in Wet See Through Panties of the Day
Posted in Hot Stuff, Sex
Tagged badly-sized, bennyhollywood, bikini girls, channing tatum, cripple, cripple-girls, crippled, despite-popular, Hollywood, katy perry, life, Nsfw, other-girls, Pictures, see through