Tag Archives: based-on-lies

Xamira for Mise en Cage Campaign of the Day

Mise en Cage is a luxury lingerie brand out of Paris, which for those of you who care, is where lingerie was really invented, because sexy underwear is amazing, so you you have France to thank for those cheap yeast infection inducing sex shop purchased panties the hookers you have sex with wear for you and their 12 other jobs that day..and the Victoria’s Secret mass produced, over priced, sweatshop mall brand underwear their fat wives wear because you buy if for them on holidays thanks to being a consumer… Their model is named Xamira, one of the weirdest names I’ve seen, I don’t know what her intagram is, I guess you could look for it, I’ve given you enough to run on, I’m too busy looking for my next post because I know all that matters right here and now are these pics of her being half naked and hot as fuck amazing… Victoria’s Secret should take their lead and start being a little more innovative with their half naked Christian friendly billion dollar a year generating smut…. There’s a video from a year ago.. The post Xamira for Mise en Cage Campaign of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

See original here:
Xamira for Mise en Cage Campaign of the Day

Daphne Joy is the Instagram Hooker of the Day

Daphne Joy is one of those cheesy fucking instagram hookers that you’ve all seen before. They all post the same cheesy pictures of them in the gym, or by the pool, holding boxes of tea or detox shit… It’s fucking ghetto, but people fucking love them, and in Daphne Joy’s case, one of those people was 50 cent who she didn’t waste anytime getting knocked up by, because despite his being “broke”…she will still get a solid 20,000 dollar a month check to raise their baby, until the kid is 18, even if she ends up with this dude she’s in a bikini with named Jason Derulo, also black…. I guess she’s got a type. Rich dudes who like cheesy hooker looking asian bitches with cheesy fake tits…and an instagram following based on lies and bullshit. What Cheesy staged paparazzi pics of a bitch I doubt anyone cares about, even after they pay her for anal. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Daphne Joy is the Instagram Hooker of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Originally posted here:
Daphne Joy is the Instagram Hooker of the Day