Tag Archives: bat-graffiti

WATCH: Bane Destroys Basically Everything In Latest Dark Knight Rises Trailer

WB has delivered a final-final trailer in advance of The Dark Knight Rises ‘ July 20 debut, filled with more explosions and Bane-shots than ever before! Watch as Tom Hardy hangs by his fingertips to an airplane seat, cool as a cucumber, as chaos erupts around him. Listen as he (almost-intelligibly, even!) calls out Bruce Wayne/Batman before tossing our hero’s broken mask to the ground on his way to lunch. It’s all in a day’s work for Hardy’s Bane, who’s come to Gotham City to kick ass and chew, uh, scenery with frail Christian Bale and catty Anne Hathaway . And guess what he’s run out of? Ass! No, wait. The other way around. I kid, I kid. Bane has turned into the reason to see The Dark Knight Rises (other than the fact that it’s The Dark Knight Rises ) and it all looks so deliciously destructive, I can’t wait. The Dark Knight Rises will inspire Bat-graffiti and ignite rising fires in your geek pants on July 20.

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WATCH: Bane Destroys Basically Everything In Latest Dark Knight Rises Trailer