Tag Archives: battling-over

Halle Berry, ex settle dispute

The fisticuffs involved Berry#39;s ex-boyfriend Gabriel Aubry and her fiance, actor Olivier Martinez. Aubry was arrested after the fight, which left him with a black eye, a broken rib and other injuries. Attorneys for Halle Berry and her ex-boyfriend have settled court issues that arose after a Thanksgiving Day fight at the actress#39; home. Aubry obtained a temporary restraining order against Martinez. The model and Berry have been battling over custody of their 4-year-old daughter for months

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Halle Berry, ex settle dispute

Oksana Grigorieva, Mel Gibson Reach X-Mas Truce

Mel Gibson and Oksana Grigorieva won’t be battling over custody this Christmas. Well, probably. They’re splitting the holiday with baby Lucia down the middle. Lucia will spend Christmas Eve with Oksana and the day itself with Mel. The plan was hashed out after Mel was awarded additional custody this month in court. It should go off without a hitch … though you never know. Mel actually almost called the police on Oksana for refusing to turn Lucia over on time recently. Either way, December 26 it is so BACK ON! All is right in Gibsonland … for 24 hours or so .

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Oksana Grigorieva, Mel Gibson Reach X-Mas Truce