These bathing suit pics of Naomi Watts would be far more interesting if she wasn’t 100 fucking years old… I mean we can all celebrate her 100 year old mom body in a form fitting one piece like shit’s a fucking masterpiece…even when it’s not… We can be like “OMG, for a mom of two Live Schreiber babies, she’s not all that bad”…but that’s like saying for a fat chick, she’s not that bad…or for an amputee, she’s not that bad…or for a serial killer, she’s not that bad…or for a herpes ridden aids infected hooker, she’s not that bad… It’s always fucking bad…at least when comparing her now…to what was… Sure it could be worse…but this that great… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE
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Naomi Watts Does Bathing Suits of the Day