Tag Archives: because-sure

Ray J’s I Hit it First Song About Kim K of the Day

I like to think that Ray J’s talent as an rapper is probably the reason Kim Kardashian has moved onto Kanye Sperm. We get it, he hit it first, when she was a nobody with a fat ass and a dream, but now that she’s made a lot of money, she has options, and can leave this dude in the shelves of her DVD collection, because sure his cock helped make her, but she doesn’t need that shit anymore, but it’s nice to see that he still needs her, making horrible songs about the glory days, and as much as I hate Kim Kardashian, it’s safe to say that Ray J is even worse than her. He’s milking her like the cow that she looks like, all swollen utters and barnyard smells. Worst song ever, but I guess we got to give him some credit for trying. These lyrics are the fucking worst…. TO SEE THEIR SEX TAPE IF YOU HAVEN’T ALREADY FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Ray J’s I Hit it First Song About Kim K of the Day