Tag Archives: bed-athletes

Samantha Hoopes Demonstrating the Low Standard of the Day

Samantha Hoopes has a pretty rugged looking face…and really body…but she’s one of Sports Illustrated’s champion bikini models, because I guess Sports Illustrated caters to white trash middle americans with no real taste in women, but who know one thing, and that thing is “TITS”…because this face is so beat the fuck up with injections, fillers and botox, that Samantha Hoopes looks like a fucking sex doll, and I guess she probably is one, to the right rich guy, it’s not like these Sports Illustrated bitches make any money, they just use the platform to bed athletes…obviously.. The funny thing is I think she says she’s 24 years old…I know 35 year old gutter porn chicks who look more wholesome and delicate than this…and those girls do facial abuse porn… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE Here she is in a bikini Photo CLIKC HERE The post Samantha Hoopes Demonstrating the Low Standard of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Samantha Hoopes Demonstrating the Low Standard of the Day