Tag Archives: before-bridget

21 Boyfriends of Britney Spears: Who’s Her Latest Conquest?

Britney Spears has dated some interesting characters over her many, many years in the spotlight … some of whom you obviously know. Others you may have forgotten, however, or never heard about, including some of the men who made huge impressions on the star's life. Who did she give her v-card to? Who is she dating now? Here's a quick Britney Spears romance rewind/rundown, from back to her early Louisiana roots to her current Vegas residency daze … 1. Reg Jones Yes, the man who took Britney’s v-card was a high school love named Reg Jones. 2. Jason Geddert Jason Geddert (photo not available) is said to be one of her first loves. We can’t believe he was never documented on photo or film either. 3. Justin Timberlake These two were the prince and princess of pop for a time. Until, of course, she cheated on him with … 4. Wade Robson Choreographer Wade Robson, the other man immortalized as “him” in “Cry Me a River,” JT’s 2002 breakup anthem. 5. Tom Brady Before Bridget and Gisele, Tom Brady and Britney actually went on a few dates in 2002. Seriously. 6. Fred Durst Britney was linked to Limp Bizkit “singer” Fred Durst in 2002-03 … along with unconfirmed flings Jared Leto and Colin Farrell. It was an interesting time for her. View Slideshow

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21 Boyfriends of Britney Spears: Who’s Her Latest Conquest?