Tag Archives: began-wailing

Wet Nurse Club: Flight Attendant Breastfeeds Passenger’s Crying And Starving Newborn Baby

Image via FatCamera Flight Attendant Breastfeeds Passenger’s Hungry Infant The subject of breastfeeding has become quite a polarizing topic over the past few years with lots of news coverage, but we’ve never come across a story like the one we found in the NYPost . 24-year-old flight attendant Patrisha Organo found herself in a situation recently when a passenger’s infant child began wailing at the top of its lungs after the mother ran out of formula mid-flight. What in the hell could Patrisha possibly do to solve this problem? There was no formula aboard the plane, however, Patrisha, a new mother herself, had a bold plan… That’s right. Patrisha offered up her own motherly tidday to help save the ears of the passengers and satitate the starving beast baby. The question is? Would you do either? Offer your breast to feed a hungry child, or allow your child to be breastfed by a stranger?

Wet Nurse Club: Flight Attendant Breastfeeds Passenger’s Crying And Starving Newborn Baby