Tag Archives: being-anti-free

Chris Matthews Attacks Michele Bachmann as ‘Zombie-Like’ and ‘Moonie-Like’ for Defending Free Enterprise on BBC

MSNBC host Chris Matthews cannot understand how conservatives could think that free enterprise is somehow American, and that being anti-free enterprise seems anti-American. On Tuesday night's Hardball, Matthews boosted a new effort by Democrats like David Brock and Kathleen Kennedy Townsend to organize their own independent-expenditure campaign to beat Republicans. Matthews brought on Townsend, who couldn't even win a race for governor of a blue state (Maryland) to explain how she would make the Democrats victorious. Matthews aired BBC video of Rep. Michele Bachmann (clearly borrowed from the Think Progress blog , since you can see the “Pro” of their logo), and attacked her as like a zombie, a Moonie, and a Manchurian Candidate: MATTHEWS: Look at her eye contact. I asked her when we had her on election night if she's under hypnosis . She doesn't answer the question. She looks straight ahead in that kind of zombie-like manner, like she's waiting for somebody to flash a card, like in “Manchurian Candidate.” I mean, I don't know what her state is. She apparently just got blown away running for leadership, so the members of the House on the Republican side — read more

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Chris Matthews Attacks Michele Bachmann as ‘Zombie-Like’ and ‘Moonie-Like’ for Defending Free Enterprise on BBC