A Guy Gets Beat Because He’s Wrongfully Accused of Beating Up his Girlfriend Today in Dancing No Leash Dog Walker The Car With No Tire Dog Rescue of the Day
Someone emailed me this picture of 42 year old Jill Scott, who is a singer, a big breasted black singer…the kind of big breasted black singer you would not ever really want to see naked, unless you are like my friend who has fucked 1000s of women and only finds joy in being smothered by big black women….in which case you’ll love this shit… I mean I can’t imagine this is from any Fappening, why would nerds delve into this iCloud, and if they did, why wouldn’t they leave it on the iCloud where it belongs…no one’s eyes to be tainted by… I mean, Jill Scott, such an obscure person, either too obscure for this to actually be her, or so obscure that it is definitely her and I guess there’s no real way to decide if it is her or not, not because all black women look the same, but because she’s hiding her damn face and no nerd is going to go to the trouble to prove these are real like they do with all the other nudes… I’m posting it anyway.
Nadine Leopold is the hottest new thing, straight out of Austria, who I posted about yesterday when I first decided I liked her and that I am now fully committed to liking because she’s releasing more and more hot pics…from jobs she’s booked…. I think I compared her to Hitler, since she’s Austrian, but I can’t remember yesterday, that was so many drinks ago…I just know I’d let her gas chamber me…by sitting on my face…as that’d be a pretty decent way to be killed off…but that’s not saying much, considering being smothered by any model ass has always been my death of choice…