No offense to Jasmine, Belle or Merida. But not every little girl out there wasn’t to be a princess. Isn’t that right, Ainsley? A five-year old by that name has gone viral because she’s a student at Holly Springs School of Dance in North Carolina and because last week was deemed “Princess Week” by the studio. But that didn’t stop Ainsley from showing up in a hot dog costume. Word got out regarding the toddler’s hilarious decision when her dad Tweeted the photo above, along with a caption that reads: “No parent is ready to learn that their daughter is trending… #hotdogprincess Best part is it was all her idea!” Oh, yes, #hotdogprincess was trending as a hashtag for awhile this week. The dance school’s director Marilyn Chappell told The Huffington Post that Ainsley’s costume should remind everyone out there to truly embrace your true self. “We all needed a leader to say, ‘Hey, be yourself,’” Chappell said. “How cool is it that a little girl in a hot dog costume is sending out that message?” We’ll go ahead and answer that for you: it’s VERY cool! Ainsley’s dad also went ahead and Tweeted a conversation he had with his daughter about the costume choice: “Why did you want to be a hotdog? Because its my favorite costume. Are you a ketchup or mustard fan? Ketchup. Mostly.” It wasn’t just those who know Ainsley who were impressed by her self-confidence and bold decision. It was nearly anyone who came across this story. “It was princess day at dance and one little girl came as a hot dog I have never admired someone more,” wrote Twitter user @graysonl3. Ainsley became so popular, The Huffington Post reporters, that she was invited on stage as a special guest at the older students’ recital this past weekend. We’ll let another Twitter user, Jillian Ackerman, have the final word here: In a world full of princesses, dare to be a hot dog.
Girl Dresses as Hot Dog During Princess Week, Is Our New Hero