We don’t believe you. You need more people!! This guy has a lot of f’n nerve… “It hurts too much to think about it,” the accused Butcher of Borough Park said in an exclusive Daily News interview – his first with any news organization since the July 11 murder that sickened the city. “I don’t know what happened,” Aron said. “I just panicked.” So now you want us to believe that you were a victim of circumstance?!? Aron told cops he took the boy to a wedding in upstate Monsey and brought him home, meaning to take him home the next day. But after leaving for work at the hardware store around the corner, Aron said, he got spooked by missing child posters and went home to kill the boy. Told that many people are utterly baffled by his actions, Aron would not – or could not – explain why he took and kept the boy. “He looked familiar. I thought I knew him,” he said. Police said they found no evidence of molestation. Aron appeared ashamed and embarrassed when asked about Leiby, and stressed several times the boy slept in the living room, not his bedroom. He said he gave Leiby a tuna sandwich for breakfast the next day. The fatal cocktail of drugs found in the boy’s dismembered body was ingested later, he said, before “the incident.” They better strap this sick mutha#$@%* to the chair and pull the switch! Source
Originally posted here:
Cry Me A River: Aron Levi Refuses To Apologize, Claims He Didn’t Want To Dismember 8 Year-Old Leiby Kletzky