Tag Archives: beltran-leyva

Cry Me A River: Aron Levi Refuses To Apologize, Claims He Didn’t Want To Dismember 8 Year-Old Leiby Kletzky

We don’t believe you. You need more people!! This guy has a lot of f’n nerve… “It hurts too much to think about it,” the accused Butcher of Borough Park said in an exclusive Daily News interview – his first with any news organization since the July 11 murder that sickened the city. “I don’t know what happened,” Aron said. “I just panicked.” So now you want us to believe that you were a victim of circumstance?!? Aron told cops he took the boy to a wedding in upstate Monsey and brought him home, meaning to take him home the next day. But after leaving for work at the hardware store around the corner, Aron said, he got spooked by missing child posters and went home to kill the boy. Told that many people are utterly baffled by his actions, Aron would not – or could not – explain why he took and kept the boy. “He looked familiar. I thought I knew him,” he said. Police said they found no evidence of molestation. Aron appeared ashamed and embarrassed when asked about Leiby, and stressed several times the boy slept in the living room, not his bedroom. He said he gave Leiby a tuna sandwich for breakfast the next day. The fatal cocktail of drugs found in the boy’s dismembered body was ingested later, he said, before “the incident.” They better strap this sick mutha#$@%* to the chair and pull the switch! Source

Originally posted here:
Cry Me A River: Aron Levi Refuses To Apologize, Claims He Didn’t Want To Dismember 8 Year-Old Leiby Kletzky

Isht Is Real In Mexico: Police Nab Mexican Gang Leaer Responsible For The Deaths Of 600 People

Mexican police arrested the suspected leader of a brutal drug gang called “The Hand with Eyes” and he has confessed to helping carry out or ordering more than 600 murders, authorities said Thursday. Oscar Osvaldo Garcia Montoya, 36, was arrested in an overnight raid on a presumed safe house on the outskirts of Mexico City, State of Mexico Attorney General Alfredo Castillo said at a news conference. “The Hand with Eyes” is one of the groups blamed for bringing the drug violence typical of northern Mexico to Mexico City and its surrounding areas. The organization is known for extreme violence, including decapitations. Many of its victims have been drug dealers and rivals killed as the group fought for control of drug sales in Mexico state, an area that includes many of the poor suburbs ringing the capital. The gang spread terror by dumping severed heads in the streets of towns surrounding Mexico City. Castillo said Garcia is a deserter from the Mexican marines who worked as a bodyguard for major cartel figures including Edgar Valdez, aka “La Barbie,” a top assassin for the Beltran Leyva cartel until he was arrested in 2010. With the capture or death of Valdez and most of the leaders of the Beltran Leyva cartel, Garcia split off and formed his own group. The bushy-haired Garcia gazed coolly when he was paraded before journalists Thursday, held firmly by two masked police officers. Castillo said Garcia had received some training from members of the Guatemalan special forces called the “Kaibiles,” who are known for massacres during the Guatemalan civil war that ended in the 1990s. Some of them are believed to have been hired by Mexican drug cartels. Source

Read this article:
Isht Is Real In Mexico: Police Nab Mexican Gang Leaer Responsible For The Deaths Of 600 People

China to purchase Volvo

Oh crap…add Volvo to the list of Chinese recalls…. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/12/24/business/global/24auto.html added by: Incredulous 10 comments

China to purchase Volvo

Mexico announces capture of alleged drug lord

Mexican police have captured alleged drug lord Carlos Beltran Leyva, just two week after his even more powerful brother was killed in a shootout with troops — back-to-back victories in President Felipe Calderon's drug war. The Public Safety office said in a statement Saturday night that Carlos Beltran Leyva was arrested in Culiacan, the capital of the Pacific coast state of Sinaloa, where he and several of his brothers were born and allegedly started their gang

Continued here:
Mexico announces capture of alleged drug lord