Tag Archives: bergman

Behold! Conan the Bar-BOOB-ian!

The Conan the Barbarian reboot hits theaters, and some slave girls bare breasts in 3D. The original Conan, starring Sandahl Bergman’s rack , is out on Blu-Ray, as is The Big Lebowski with a nude Julianne Moore .

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Behold! Conan the Bar-BOOB-ian!

Anesthetic Gases Cause As Much Warming As 1 Million Cars

photo: Artur Bergman / Creative Commons According to new research done by the University of Copenhagen and NASA , the anesthetic gases used during surgery have huge global warming potential , but yet there is no obligation to report them–nor seeming awareness about them on the part of … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Anesthetic Gases Cause As Much Warming As 1 Million Cars

David Boreanaz’s Mother-in-Law: "Divorce Is Not an Option"

David Boreanaz: cheating jerk or brave defender of the institution of marriage? His mother-in-law, for one, is firmly of the latter opinion, telling E! News she thinks it took guts for…

Originally posted here:
David Boreanaz’s Mother-in-Law: "Divorce Is Not an Option"

David Boreanaz Cheatgate: Here Comes Gloria Allred

Did David Boreanaz confess to being unfaithful to wife Jaime Bergman to thwart Gloria Allred? The camera-loving attorney, who has already made cameos in the Tiger Woods and…

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David Boreanaz Cheatgate: Here Comes Gloria Allred