In an election that features one side running the former host of Celebrity Apprentice, it's only fitting that a comedian delivered what may have been the line of the Democratic National Convention on Monday night, right? To open primetime coverage of the event, Sarah Silverman stood alongside Senator Al Franken. The two awkwardly riffed for a few moments, often hearing chants of “Bernie! Bernie!” throughout the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia. These chants emanated from extremely loyal Bernie Sanders supporters. They were so loyal, in fact, and some felt so strongly that their candidate deserved to be the Democratic nominee over Hillary Clinton, that some vowed to either not vote for Clinton or even vote for Donald Trump. Which seems like utter insanity for a Democrat to do. That's where Silverman came in on Monday. One of the most outspoken Bernie Sanders supporters during his primary race, the comedian could not handle the madness for another moment. “Can I say something? To the ‘Bernie or Bust’ people, you’re being ridiculous,” she said. As you can see below, the remark was mostly met with loud cheers. Soon enough, however, the “Bernie!” chants started up again and Silverman was forced to quip: “Thank God they can fix this in post.” That's a pretty great line (the speech aired live, of course). What do you think of Silverman's quote? Is it her place to make such a judgment? Does the Sanders crowd have a right to be upset and voice their opinion? Or, in the name of party unity, should they suck it up at this point and vote for a candidate who still shares many more values with Sanders than Donald Trump? Watch Silverman deliver her line below and then watch the reaction of those in attendance:
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Sarah Silverman Delivers Line of the DNC