Tag Archives: best-underage

VIDEO: Sean Penn Blasts Tea Party as ‘Get the N-Word Out of the White House’ Party

Love Sean Penn or loathe him, you have to at least admire any modern movie star harboring any degree of spontaneity or candor in an otherwise hypersensitive, overcalculated celebrity culture. (To say nothing of having the distinction of having been in both a Terrence Malick film and Scarlett Johansson’s pants at the same time; the man is nothing if not a tireless striver for the American Dream.) Penn’s latest flare-up occurred in the middle of an interview with CNN’ s Piers Morgan, to whom the two-time Oscar winner ranted about the prominence of the Tea Party — or, in Penn’s delectable neologic parlance, the “Get the N-Word Out of the White House” Party.

See the original post:
VIDEO: Sean Penn Blasts Tea Party as ‘Get the N-Word Out of the White House’ Party

Chloë Moretz and Keanu Reeves Reenact Taxi Driver in Scorsese Tribute

Despite Chloë Moretz’s admission that her mother hasn’t yet permitted her to watch Martin Scorsese’s Taxi Driver , the young actress nevertheless does her best underage hooker impression — alongside Keanu Reeves as Travis Bickle, no less — in a star-studded reenactment paying tribute to the great filmmaker.

See original here:
Chloë Moretz and Keanu Reeves Reenact Taxi Driver in Scorsese Tribute