Poor Elmo had to be hear that filth! Julia Louis-Dreyfus should be ashamed of herself.
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Julia Louis-Dreyfus Swears On Sesame Street
Poor Elmo had to be hear that filth! Julia Louis-Dreyfus should be ashamed of herself.
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Julia Louis-Dreyfus Swears On Sesame Street
Posted in Celebrities, Hot Stuff
Tagged best-years, celeb, ditched-him, dreyfus-swears, got-engaged, Hollywood, hoped-once, julia-louis, louis, not-entirely, star news, stars, table-border
I’m not entirely sure why Hannah Davis showed up on Extra , but since I’m a true professional (stop laughing), I decided to look her up. And I’m afraid I’ve got some terrible news: apparently Hannah got engaged to that loser Derek Jeter. I’d hoped once the guy retired she would’ve ditched him for a real man — aka me — again, stop laughing. Because unlike Jeter, my best years are still ahead of me. OK, fine, go ahead and laugh. Even I know that last one’s a total joke. Photos: PacificCoastNews
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Hannah Davis Likes Rich Athletes!
Posted in Celebrities, Hot Stuff
Tagged bennyhollywood, best-years, ditched-him, got-engaged, hoped-once, not-entirely, star news, stars, table-border