Tag Archives: not-entirely

Victoria Justice Needs Instagram Lessons

I know I’m supposed to support  Victoria Justice no matter what, since she’s always been one of my favorites. But here she is posing in some graffiti-filled alley like every other boring wannabe Insta-model, and if it wasn’t for her extreme hotness, these pictures would put me to sleep. It’s not entirely Victoria’s fault though. These pictures could be 100 times better if she just had a more creative photographer. Like, say, one whose phone camera takes great pictures and who knows all her best angles… Call me!

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Victoria Justice Needs Instagram Lessons

Peyton List’s Tongue Tease

I’m still waiting for Peyton List to take “the next step” and go from former Disney hottie to posting daily bikini booty shows on Snapchat and/or Instagram. AKA the Bella Thorne and Miley Cyrus career path. But this latest photoshoot of her at the pool is a great start. Now she just needs to do this 2-3 times a week, and she’ll be on her way to A-list hot nobody status in no time. Practice makes perfect.

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Peyton List’s Tongue Tease

Victoria Justice’s Panty Peak

Before you ask, no, I’m not entirely sure why Victoria Justice is jumping on a bed and flashing the camera here. And obviously I’m way too lazy to look it up. Besides, that’d just take away from me doing much more valuable work: creeping Victoria’s Instagram for even more great pictures of the hottie. Oh, and as an added bonus, I also included her recent performance on that Lip Sync Battle show below. Huh. Maybe I’m not so lazy after all.

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Victoria Justice’s Panty Peak

Ginta Lapina For You Star Wars Nerds!

I’m not entirely sure what Latvia’s hottest export Ginta Lapina is doing making a Star Wars-themed photoshoot considering the last movie came out months ago, but here’s one for you nerds, I guess? Just be careful where you point your lightsaber. You don’t want to take an eye out.

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Ginta Lapina For You Star Wars Nerds!

Abby Dowse Shows The Target On Snapchat

Sorry Lindsey Pelas , but I think I’ve found my new favorite Snapchat bust show, courtesy of Abby Dowse here. Now, I’m not entirely sure what Abby does for work, but here’s hoping she can figure out a way to turn “giving me a pants fire via social media” into a full-time job. Because I can tell she’s already a total pro at it.

Abby Dowse Shows The Target On Snapchat

The Westworld Trailer Is Here!

It doesn’t feature the promised “genital-to-genital touching,” but then again, that’s not entirely legal on YouTube. … read more

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The Westworld Trailer Is Here!

The Westworld Trailer Is Here!

It doesn’t feature the promised “genital-to-genital touching,” but then again, that’s not entirely legal on YouTube. … read more

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The Westworld Trailer Is Here!

Jessica Alba’s Yoga Booty

We’ve seen a lot of hotties do yoga for the cameras over the years, but according to my sources, these great shots of Jessica Alba bending over in spandex are for some commercial, instead of the usual fake candids . Anyway, I’m not entirely sure what they’re selling here, but all I know is, if they really wanted to move product, they should just gotten Jessica doing her signature bikini ass pose . That’s always been my favorite yoga pose of hers. » view all 11 photos Photos: PacificCoastNews

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Jessica Alba’s Yoga Booty

Olivia Culpo’s Hotness Is Hard At Work

I’m not entirely sure what Olivia Culpo does for work these days, but here’s the former beauty queen out in LA looking smoking hot (as usual) and putting on one hell of a leg show for the paps. So if that whole dating rich pop stars thing doesn’t work out for Olivia, I think this leg show thing could be a great second career for her. She’s a total natural. » view all 11 photos Photos: WENN.com Continue reading

Julia Louis-Dreyfus Swears On Sesame Street

Poor Elmo had to be hear that filth! Julia Louis-Dreyfus should be ashamed of herself.

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Julia Louis-Dreyfus Swears On Sesame Street