Florida Deputy Fired For Ignoring Emergency Call To Eat Pizza Via RawStory A Florida sheriff’s deputy has been fired after an investigation showed that he ignored a 911 call from a woman having a heart attack so that he could finish his pizza lunch, according to WZVN. Lee County Sheriff Mike Scott fired Yvan Fernandez following an Internal Affairs report that showed that the deputy acknowledged the emergency call from dispatch before returning to his pizza, even though he was not on an official meal break at the time. According to friends of the victim, Gwendolyn Minnis, 48, she had recently been released from the hospital after having a heart attack. Police believe she called 911 to report another heart attack on March 13, with dispatch sending out a call for an officer to respond after the line went dead. The report states that Fernandez was having lunch with three other deputies at Raider’s Pizza and Wings when he first took the call, responding to a second call from dispatch 8 minutes later, telling the dispatcher “copy.” Fernandez then reportedly went back to eating his lunch before passing off the call to another deputy 30 minutes later. Deputies arrived at the home where Minnis was staying, 53 minutes after the initial call, to find the woman lying in her walkway unconscious with the phone next to her. She later died. This azzhole deserves something a lot more painful than being fired. Image via WZVN
Read more from the original source:
Florida Crazies: Shady Sheriff’s Deputy Fired Eat Pizza While Ignoring Dying Woman’s 911 Call