Woman Burns Toddler In Oven A Woman in Texas has inexplicably burned her own child. The woman apparently placed her toddler inside the oven inside her home, for completely unknown reasons. Via People : A 35-year-old Texas woman remains in jail Sunday after she was accused last week of placing her 2-year-old in an oven, causing it serious bodily injury, PEOPLE has confirmed. Tasha Shontell Hatcher was arrested Thursday and charged with one count of injury to a child with serious bodily injury, a first-degree felony, the Somervell County Sheriff’s Office said in a statement to PEOPLE. She remains in jail on a $300,000 bond, according to jail officials. Hatcher was arraigned Saturday, according to the statement, but it was not clear if Hatcher had entered a plea to the charge or had retained a lawyer. The child was transported to the Parkland Burn Center in Dallas, but its condition Sunday was not immediately available. Deputies first responded to a call of a burned child about 11:50 p.m. local time Thursday, according to the sheriff’s statement. Witnesses at the scene told deputies that Hatcher “told [the witnesses] that she had put her baby in the oven,” the statement alleges. SMH!! This is the second case of Texas parents putting babies in the oven in the past few months. What is coing on???
Excerpt from:
Epitome Of A Bad Mother: TX Woman Severely Burns 2-Year-Old Child By Placing Toddler In The Oven