Tag Archives: big-sloppy

Kate Upton’s Behind the Scenes Titties for Skullcandy of the Day

Kate Upton was the big sloppy tits for a Skullcandy Campaign and a couple of days ago, they released a behind the scenes video where they specifically focused on Kate Upton’s big sloppy tits…cuz I guess when you pay the bitch 10,000 dollars – 20,000 dollars a day to be in your stupid fucking promo video since she’s an it-girl and people will notice…you might as well focus on the only thing that matters about her…. Watching this annoys me as she sucks in her stomach and behaves and moves in a way that makes me hate her…totally unsexy and playful in a bad way…but at least she’s still got them titties.

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Kate Upton’s Behind the Scenes Titties for Skullcandy of the Day