Tag Archives: bikini-it-looks

JoJo Got Them Titties On of the Day

JoJo got them titties… Now if only anyone knew who Jojo was… Or more importantly…if only Jojo didn’t have the dumbest fucking childish name because she was a child star grown old….and if only her fans were fucking weirdos who only know her from then. If only…

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JoJo Got Them Titties On of the Day

Iggy Azalea is Wet of the DAy

Iggy Azalea in all her fake as fuck glory, from a fake story, to getting as sleazy as she can to be seen as hot as she can by the people who don’t seem to find her disgusting like me – but instead like to help perpetuate her scam and make her all the money she doesn’t deserve…. That’s my opinion on it, but when you find your angle fucking use that angle until you can’t use it no more because ever bitch from a fat chick to an even fatter chick has a fucking angle…whether it is close up clit pic, or anus pic, it don’t matter – when they find what works…ride it harder than you rode that record exec to get your work visa – trick…

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Iggy Azalea is Wet of the DAy

Rita Ora Scratching her Pussy of the Day

I call this picture “the shave wasn’t too close and the ingrown hairs are itching me”…when really it’s most likely “I fucked a lot to get to where I am today, even though no one knows where I am today, I’m somewhere today…in a bikini touring…..and in doing that fucking hard….I broke my pussy…so that when I get into a bikini it looks mangled…but more importantly…when I get in salt water…it stings with great vengeance… Point being..she’s in a bikini masturbating…like the sexual deviant she is…but it’s likely medical related…maybe a fungal infection… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Rita Ora Scratching her Pussy of the Day