Tag Archives: blackcore-edge

Amy Duggar: Did She Lie About Being Abused?!

Oh, that poor Amy Duggar … girl absolutely cannot seem to catch a break. It all started when she was, you know, born into the Duggar family. She’s not one of Jim Bob and Michelle’s spawn, but as we’ve been learning, she may have been better off if she was one of those 19 Kids and Counting. And that’s because, according to multiple claims Amy has made during her time on Marriage Boot Camp, she had a truly terrible childhood. She’s told stories about how her parents used to fight so much that she’d spend all her time outside , just so she wouldn’t have to hear them screaming at each other. She’s said that her mother used to leave suicide notes around the house for her to find, and that her father would tell her that she was a mistake. In the latest heartbreaking clip, Amy said that her father once grabbed her by the throat and lifted her up to the ceiling, all because he didn’t believe her when she told him she brushed her teeth. Amy Duggar Reveals The Family Member Who Abused Her: Watch! She even said he tried to run her over with a car on one occasion. It all sounds so unbelievably awful, right? You’d think it couldn’t get much worse than that. But now, in yet another example of Amy’s family being the worst, her own grandmother is speaking to the press about Amy’s claims. Specifically, she’s calling Amy a liar . The grandmother in question is Lenora Jordan, her father’s mother. (Amy is related to the Duggars through her mother, who is Jim Bob’s sister.) Lenora took the time to speak with Radar about Amy and all the horrific stories of abuse, and she simply said “None of that stuff is true.” Solid argument, Grandma. “Amy just felt like she needed to be on that show, and needed something to tell,” Lenora insisted. It’s such a sad turn of events, isn’t it? First Amy had to suffer through her childhood, and now she has to deal with her grandmother publicly dismissing her like this. It’s interesting, too, because while of course we can’t really definitively prove Amy’s stories, there’s quite a bit of evidence that she is telling the truth. The therapists on Marriage Boot Camp don’t have a problem believing Amy, and we know they don’t have problems with calling people out on any suspected nonsense. And another little fact is that back in 1992, Amy’s mother filed a restraining order against her then-husband — Amy’s father — because, as she said, he’d threatened to kill both her and “the baby.” The baby, most likely, being little Amy. Here’s hoping that Amy doesn’t take her grandmother’s words to heart, and that she continues to heal from all that unbelievable badness her family has put her through. View Slideshow: 19 Celebrities Who Were Victims of Domestic Abuse

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Amy Duggar: Did She Lie About Being Abused?!

Holly Madison Sues Male Enhancement Company: WHAT?!

Holly Madison has lived quite the life, hasn’t she? She’s now a married mother of two and a bestselling author, but before that she spent her time at the Playboy Mansion as Hugh Hefner’s girlfriend. She had several questionable experiences at the mansion, which she’s detailed in her book and in interviews — and she’s gotten into a pretty heated feud with Kendra Wilkinson over the sharing of those experiences. Oh, and she’s also promoted some male enhancement pills. … Wait, that last part isn’t right? It never happened and that’s why Holly is currently in a legal battle with a company called Blackcore Edge? Huh. But it’s true — Holly recently filed a lawsuit against Blackcore Edge, a company that produces a natural testosterone supplement that’s supposed to help with erectile dysfunction. Her issue, she claims in the documents, is that there’s an article she saw online that states she did an interview with Dr. Oz, and in the interview, she said that when she was with Hugh, he’d take Blackcore Edge to get the old motor running. She allegedly said that “When Hefner took a pill, 15 minutes later his blood would start pumping! He got stronger, bigger, and lasted as long as an 18 year old.” Because that sounds like something Holly would say, right? Holly, who has said that she was “miserable” during her time with Hugh , that he would “talk down to his girlfriends and make them cry,” and that when it came to sex, “Everyone wanted to get that kind of thing over with very quickly.” She’s bragging in detail about Hef’s penis. Right. But it turns out that that’s the issue — it doesn’t sound like something Holly would ever say because she never said it. In her court documents, Holly says that she never said anything about this drug, and that she never even did an interview with Dr. Oz. She also says that Blackcore Edge made the article look like it was from Men’s Health, but really it was just some shady knock-off site. So because of all that, Holly is suing Blackcore Edge — which, while obviously not a great company, just has the greatest name, right? — for using her name and image without her consent. And, you know, for that entire fake interview. So Holly not only had to deal with being Hugh Hefner’s girlfriend in the first place, now she has to deal with people claiming she’s made remarks about his junk, all these years later. Poor, poor Holly.

See the rest here:
Holly Madison Sues Male Enhancement Company: WHAT?!