Tag Archives: blanca-padilla

Amy Hood is My Favorite of the Day

Her name is Amy Hood…his name is Jonathan Leder and together they produce some of the best BUSH friendly erotica that is more higher concept art than smut…that has the feel of 70s porn, that is a lot more stylized that the internet that shit on eroticism the last 20 years….you know when things looked good, looked hot, had a message or concept and the girls were something you wanted to have sex with….you know the kind of suggestiveness that gets in your head and isn’t just graphic…that is something that someone who is done with porn and has been done with porn for a while…something to jerk off to…. I am a fan. Here are some more pics of Amy Hood… The post Amy Hood is My Favorite of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Amy Hood is My Favorite of the Day

Blanca Padilla for Victoria’s Secret of the Day

Blanca Padilla is the latest girl to get the Victoria’s Secret machine to support her, promote her,and pay her as much as 2000 dollars a day for 50 days a year to work for them… She is Spanish, and like Spanish cured meat, sausage, wine…I am a into what she’s bringing…but she does make me wonder why every Spanish woman I’ve ever encountered in my everyday life has been hairy-faced, dumpy as fuck with shitty tits and ass…angry about everything…but maybe it has something to do with the only Spanish girls I’ve ever met were working the check out counter at a Spanish grocery store in the middle of canada…because I guess like every culture, there’s at least one decent looking one tall enough to be a model, and when there is Victoria’s Secret usually abducts them for low paid work and Leonardo DiCaprio bearding because it is good for the brand and all these bitches are interchangeable… Good times. The post Blanca Padilla for Victoria’s Secret of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Blanca Padilla for Victoria’s Secret of the Day

Blanca Padilla Picture Moment


See original here:
Blanca Padilla Picture Moment