Tag Archives: books-or-come

Watch False Apostle Preacher Lie About How He Spends Congregations Money [Video]

This guy is something else: This is the further exposing of a true servant of Satan masquerading as a man of God named “David E. Taylor”, who is a false prophet of the Devil against the Kingdom of God. It is posted for information and the protection of others. MATTHEW 7:15; “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.” He takes advantage of the gullible, the desperate, the sick, and the poor while living lavishly off of their donations by convincing people that if they buy his books or come to his conferences they will have face to face encounters with Jesus Christ. Not only that but he claims to be on the same level as the prophet Moses and the best friend of Jesus Christ himself. Please watch and share so that others may know and avoid this deception.

Originally posted here:

Watch False Apostle Preacher Lie About How He Spends Congregations Money [Video]