Tag Archives: booth-on-ocean

Mickey Rourke’s Mail Order Pussy is Hot of the Day

I like mail order brides….except when they lose their fucking minds and you wake up to them having flashbacks from her war torn communist years that involve a butcher knife to your fucking neck….cuz they don’t love you..they don’t even like you…they are just with you cuz they have to be and because you paid for them to be there and if they ever leave you…they know their pimp will find them, torture and kill them….but at least they look good doing it.

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Mickey Rourke’s Mail Order Pussy is Hot of the Day

Chinese Lingerie Ad Features Princess Diana in Lingerie of the Day

The Chinese, normally known for being sensitive to all Western traditions, by doing things like tainting our kids toys with lead, ripping off things we sell for a lot of money and selling it for less, and a whole lot of other amazingness that makes China the greatest place in the fucking world, in terms of constant excitement, dealing with funny people, and pretty much feeling like you are on another planet…. I wasn’t surprised to see this new Chinese Lingerie company called “Diana”….The slogan reads Feel the romance of British royalty. Which is apparently aslo the same chinese symbol tattooed on half the cast of Jersey Shore thanks to a booth on Ocean City boardwalk….and really who cares…dead princesses in lingerie is hot….so focus on that.

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Chinese Lingerie Ad Features Princess Diana in Lingerie of the Day