Jennifer Diley auditioned for American Idol in San Diego Sunday – on an episode that will be replayed at 8 p.m. tonight on Fox – and did not make the Hollywood cut. Case closed, right? Not so much. The aspiring singer, who donned a tube top and very short shorts, has gone public with complaints over producers forcing her to choose from a list of “flirty” songs. (She ended up covering “With You” by Jessica Simpson and “Hero” by Mariah Carey, neither of which she had rehearsed.). Jennifer Diley American Idol Audition Diley is also apparently mad at Steven Tyler because he supposedly told her off-air that he loved her outfit… and then remained silent while she was mocked for it during the audition. The nerve! Informed off this random complaint, Tyler’s manager told TMZ: “You are telling me some provocatively dressed woman is claiming Steven Tyler flirted with her? I am shocked.” As for auditions of people who can actually sing, we recommend fans keep an eye on Ashley Robles . She has serious potential.
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Jennifer Diley Calls BS on Steven Tyler, American Idol