LOCK HIM UP! LOCK HIM UP! LOCK HIM UP! When Amber Portwood chants this these days, she is not talking about Donald Trump and his impending impeachment trial, according to new legal paperwork filed on Wednesday, November 6. Instead, she's talking about ex-boyfriend Andrew Glennon. Portwood believes Glennon ought to be held in contempt because he is not abiding by the rules of the former couple's custody agreement. In what way? And could this actually happen? Scroll down for an update on the very troubled Teen Mom… 1. Everyone Knows How We Got Here, Right? Amber was arrested on July 5 for allegedly attacking Andrew while he was holding their 18-month old son in his arms, James. 2. She Even Threatened to Kill Herself AND Used a Machete Allegedly, that is. Andrew has said Portwood swallowed a bunch of pills (and then threw them back up), prior to using a machete to try and break down the bathroom door behind which Andrew and James were hiding. 3. Is She Going to Jail? No. We previously detailed how Amber ageed to a plea deal and will almost definitely avoid jail time for this incident. 4. What About Custody of James, Though? That’s the question we’re dealing with now… and we have a bunch of details and updates we can offer to readers. 5. Let’s Start with This: Andrew has primary custody of the toddler. This is understandable and this has been the case ever since Amber was taken into custody. 6. When and How Can Amber See Her Son? She can only see her son on three non-consecutive “days” per week, with one of those days (likely on the weekend) for 10 hours. The other days’ visits must last for no more than three hours. View Slideshow
Few things are more off-putting than a stained smile. But what can you do if you regularly consume coffee, tea, or wine? It’s not like you can just quit them cold turkey — that would be a nightmare. If you don’t want to have visibly yellow teeth, though, a professional whitening treatment is the way to go, but that could easily run up thousands of your hard-earned cash. Good thing there’s an alternative: the Nuovaglo Smartphone-Powered Charcoal Whitening System . Go ahead and cancel that appointment with the cosmetic dentist and get pearly whites with this whitening kit instead. It features cutting-edge LED technology and FDA-compliant charcoal whitening gel to help you achieve your desired smile. Perfect for use when at home or even on-the-go, it has a built-in USB connector that you can connect to your smartphone for power. It also has a brush tip that makes the application a breeze. It’s so effective, you may start noticing results as soon as 25 minutes after treatment! If you want a blinding smile without a pricey trip to the dentist, the Nuovaglo Smartphone-Powered Charcoal Whitening System won’t disappoint. Snag one now for only $24.99 — 92 percent off the usual $319. Nuovaglo Smartphone-Powered Charcoal Whitening System – $24.99 See Deal Prices are subject to change. Bossip has teamed up with StackCommerce to bring you the best deals on the web. We may get a share of the revenue from your purchase.
These got me y’all. This might be my favorite meme of all time. pic.twitter.com/blKNddZwCY — Ki. (@_kiaranelson) November 4, 2019 Hilarious Taylor Armstrong Vs. Salad Cat Memes The whole entire internet is currently OBSESSED with the screaming Taylor Armstrong (from Real Housewives of Beverly Hills) vs. salad cat-sitting-at-the-dinner-table-like-it-pays-rent-there meme that randomly fell out the sky and sparked quite possibly the funniest meme wave of 2019. Look at the accuracy. pic.twitter.com/Yv7KT6H2aZ — i specialize in results. (@heyalyshahey) November 4, 2019 Peep the funniest screaming Taylor Armstrong vs. salad cat memes (so far) on the flip.
Please take a close look at this flyer. 21 y/o @CAU student Alexis Crawford disappeared on Wednesday & her family is very worried about her. I’m heading to a news conference outside @Atlanta_Police The family has something they want the public to know pic.twitter.com/GdCQvOkLbj — Tyisha Fernandes (@TyishaWSB) November 4, 2019 Police Hunt For Missing Clark Atlanta Student #AlexisCrawford Police are feverishly searching for a Clark Atlanta University student who disappeared suddenly. Alexis Crawford has been missing since October 30. Her roommate told police that the 21-year-old senior asked for a ride to a local liquor store around 11:30 p.m. The roommate added that Alexis returned home but when the roommate woke up the next morning she was gone and the front door was locked. Surveillance footage of Alexis shows she was wearing a pink hoodie with white lettering on the front and dark-colored jeans. “She’s a beautiful girl. She’s a beautiful, fun-loving little girl,” her great-aunt Brenda Crawford, told reporters Monday.”She’s the type of girl that when she sees you, when you come in the house, the first thing she’s going to do is sit on your lap and give you a hug. She’s a sweet girl.” If you have any information on her whereabouts you’re asked to contact Crime Stoppers; 404-577-TIPS Police just released these photos of missing @CAU student Alexis Crawford. This is what the 21 y/o was wearing when she was last seen alive in an Atlanta store. If you know anything, call crimestoppers. Her disappearance is devastating to her family. pic.twitter.com/KIu4FbaGDT — Tyisha Fernandes (@TyishaWSB) November 5, 2019