Tag Archives: both-graduated

Mary-Louise Parker In Talks to Join R.I.P.D. Opposite Ryan Reynolds and Jeff Bridges

Marijuana empress Nancy Botwin has turned herself over to the fuzz: Weeds star Mary-Louise Parker is in negotiations to join the cast of R.I.P.D. , a film based on Peter Lenkov’s graphic novel that chronicles “a cop killed in the line of duty (Ryan Reynolds) who is recruited by a team of undead police officers working for the Rest in Peace Department.” She’ll a play woman who oversees the division. Kevin Bacon , Stephanie Szostak, and Jeff Bridges — a dude who single-handedly doubles this movie’s marijuana cred — co-star. What other pot icons will director Robert Schwentke (Schwentke!) cast next? I vote for Cheech Marin as the voice of a talking K9. [ Variety ]

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Mary-Louise Parker In Talks to Join R.I.P.D. Opposite Ryan Reynolds and Jeff Bridges

VIDEO: Seth Rogen Was Told His Best Friend Had Cancer While on the Toilet

In the upcoming dramedy 50/50 , 27-year-old Adam (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) finds out he has a cancerous tumor growing in his back, and proceeds to tell his best friend Kyle (Seth Rogen) outside a coffee shop. If only it happened like that in reality. 50/50 is based on the life of screenwriter Will Reiser, and when he called Rogen, his best friend, to tell him the bad news, the Knocked Up star was in a compromising situation: mid-poop. Click through to watch Rogen explain.

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VIDEO: Seth Rogen Was Told His Best Friend Had Cancer While on the Toilet

REVIEW: One Day? Feels More Like 20 Years

Great romances don’t always happen overnight. But we need to wait nearly 20 years for the romance in Lone Scherfig’s One Day to get cooking, and for long stretches it seems as if we’re watching this particular pair of nonstarters hem and haw in real time. Anne Hathaway and Jim Sturgess play Em and Dexter, who meet not-so-cute one night in 1988, just after they’ve both graduated from some unnamed English university. She’s gawky and wears glasses; he’s upper-crusty, as we can tell from his forelock. After a mild drunken flirtation, the two toddle back to her flat with the intent of having casual sex. The first thing Em does upon entering her cramped digs it put on a Tracy Chapman record. Back in the day, we used to call that a wienie shrinker, and Dex would be inclined to agree.

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REVIEW: One Day? Feels More Like 20 Years