Tag Archives: bother-putting

Jaime King Topless of the Day

You may not know who Jaime King is…but she was a big enough model in the late 90s or early 2000s, I don’t fucking remember, but I do remember she always showed tits…and I do remember her boyfriend at the time died of a heroin overdose and that’s pretty punk rock… Apparently she posted this picture on her instagram, I don’t pay attention to instagram – so I can’t confirm or deny it – but like the brilliant reporter I am…digging deep into the depth of the story to mediate it…I’ll post it…just in case it matters…. I am too hungover to bother putting more effort than this in it… The post Jaime King Topless of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Jaime King Topless of the Day

Michael Bay Teleprompter Fail of the Day

I wasn’t going to bother posting this because I really don’t care about Michael Bay or really any of the blockbuster billion dollar shitty movies and the con artists who make them, even when it’s noting them humiliating themselves in a presentation for some product they probably have invested in or are being paid to promote at CES…by fumbling when the teleprompter fails, like this was the Academy Awards and he is just as shocked as the rest of the world that he won…because he knows he is a scam…but the reality is, he’s probably too busy to bother putting thought into any of these things, has no charisma to get out of it, and is a diva bitch who walks off stage instead of just being a real fucking person….and ultimately, it doesn’t matter because he still fucks the hottest pussy around…and that’s what life is all about.

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Michael Bay Teleprompter Fail of the Day

Teri Hatcher’s Snatcher Does the Malibu Triathalon of the Day

I was just thinking to myself “Remember when everyone wanted to fuck Teri Hatcher, it must have been a few years ago, and now I never even bother putting her pictures up because she’s old, weathered and disgusting” and then she goes and pulls this stunt… Actually, I wasn’t thinking anything to myself at all, because I generally only think bad things and try to turn that shit off with booze and procrastination, and I’d never say a bitch is too old or too weathered for me, because the older the better, from experience, to inability for pregnancy, to no memory of the events that unfolded, sign me the fuck up, so I’d never say that, but when I saw these pics, I thought shit, remember when people wanted to fuck this girl and all they did was talk about her, whether on that Superman shit or Housewives…well I guess she’s let that get to her head and hasn’t given up on herself, even though most people have cuz she’s showing a pretty solid wax and based on experience, real old ladies don’t bother maintaining that shit….only ones with egos do and that doesn’t answer my real question, which is wondering what this rotting slab of meat in her bike shorts smells like before and after triathlons she takes part on in efforts of provin’ she’s as fit as she was when people actually wanted to fuck her, but I guess I’m just a sick man… PICS via Mavrix

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Teri Hatcher’s Snatcher Does the Malibu Triathalon of the Day