Tag Archives: bothered-noting

Katherine Webb for Sports Illustrated Swimsuit of the Day

Katherine Webb, who was Miss Alabama 2012 and Top 10 Finalist in the 2012 Miss USA Pageant, who is less importantly for us…because we hate these situations…but pretty importantly for her….is the girlfriend of Alabama Quarterback A.J. McCarron, who generated some useless scandal during one of his games when the reporter talked about hot hot she was and how get Quarterbacks get all the cake and by cake I mean vagina…vagina that is now in Sports Illustrated…goin’ big….. To See All the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Content – And THere is Lots of It FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Katherine Webb for Sports Illustrated Swimsuit of the Day

Beyonce for Vogue of the Day

I don’t know why I do this to myself…but here I am posting Beyonce photoshopped to look like she doesn’t have a penis…you know in what Jay Z would want her to look like so that he wouldn’t have to drink as hard as he does to go back home to bed with her the 4 nights a year they spend together….in their fake relationship for publicity that made a baby…cuz I guess every once in a while you gotta cum in a bitch and it sticks… Who cares. Here she is in Vogue trying to look hot…

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Beyonce for Vogue of the Day

Sofia Vergara Not Naked for Glamour Mexico of the Day

Sofia Vergara has big tits..and she’s not naked for Glamour Mexico…because like all South Americans, she thinks she’s too good to get naked for Mexico….you know all elitist and Hollywood now….probably with a deep rooted hatred for her spanish speaking southern country neighbor cuz in America.. where she’s paved her way….she’s probably been called a Mexican way too many times that whenever she hears Mexico she spits on the fucking ground in spite….or maybe I’m just getting a little too carried away on this….when I shouldn’t have even bothered noting these pics since they aren’t nude.

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Sofia Vergara Not Naked for Glamour Mexico of the Day