Tag Archives: some-useless

Katherine Webb for Sports Illustrated Swimsuit of the Day

Katherine Webb, who was Miss Alabama 2012 and Top 10 Finalist in the 2012 Miss USA Pageant, who is less importantly for us…because we hate these situations…but pretty importantly for her….is the girlfriend of Alabama Quarterback A.J. McCarron, who generated some useless scandal during one of his games when the reporter talked about hot hot she was and how get Quarterbacks get all the cake and by cake I mean vagina…vagina that is now in Sports Illustrated…goin’ big….. To See All the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Content – And THere is Lots of It FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Katherine Webb for Sports Illustrated Swimsuit of the Day

Real Housewife of New York Hard Nipples of the Day

Seeing hard nipples on a middle-aged gold digging women who is out on her own making it for herself is a lot more fun in person. It’s part of the reason I started volunteering at the YMCA years ago before getting fired for a mishap in the lady’s locker room but the good news is – I’ll always have the park bench where all these career woman with insane bodies go jogging by….and I guess these pictures of some useless fame whore with a Moroccan name who isn’t Moroccan but her money is that I’ve never heard of… Pics via Bauer

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Real Housewife of New York Hard Nipples of the Day

Adrienne Curry Topless on Twitter of the Day

I guess twitter is a good place for whores who made it as whores to show off their whore ways, cuz they don’t need to get approved by editors or any of that shit, they can just take the pics and be on their whore way. Adrienne Curry’s done playboy and been on some useless fuckng reality shows and she’s taken that talent that is a set of fake tits to Twitter cuz no one else gives a fuck about her anymore so she’ll do it her fuckin’ self

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Adrienne Curry Topless on Twitter of the Day

Learn Something Everyday

Link: http://www.learnsomethingeveryday.co.uk/ Little facts (some useless, some not) accompanied by adorable Sharpie drawings that will enrich your life.

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Learn Something Everyday

Some Bai Ling in Some Skimpy Outfit of the Day

It’s hard not to be into a tight Asian body, that even if it’s on some useless, possibly 50 year old, cunt, who really isn’t all that useless if you think about it, because she exposes her nipples on the fuckin’ regular, because it gets the inner pedophile out of you when you get to fuck them and shit won’t get you arrested or shanked in prison for stealing innocence, if if the vagina was so small it made you think you did, but I guess I’ll never know just how small an asian vagina actually is since I am a married man….but I’m sure Bai Ling does, since she has one and I’m also sure she’s done everything in her power to beat that shit up and make it look as big as the other girls in Hollywood, but all her extra meat went to her nipples… I don’t know what I am talking about. I just wanna put that out there if you’re reading this scratchin’ your head wondering what the fuck I am getting at, assuming someone actually reads this….even though I know they don’t…

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Some Bai Ling in Some Skimpy Outfit of the Day