What happened to filling out an application? . Man Sets Fire To Become A Firefighter According to The NY Daily News He just wanted to be a hero. But Joseph Michael Brannen’s plan to become a firefighter spectacularly backfired — after he was busted for allegedly setting a blaze and then trying to help put it out. Fire crews were called to East Hernando Branch Library in Brooksville, Florida, on July 6. On arrival they found the 18-year-old decked out in firefighter gear and ready for action. But with the flames soaring into the sky, they told the untrained wannabe to stay away from the area as it was too dangerous. After putting out the fire, which caused more than $500,000 worth of damage, they then started to suspect Brannen was behind the whole incident. The Sun-Sentinel reports that, during questioning, he confessed to the crime. He thought that by helping out, in gear that he bought on eBay, it would guarantee him a job in the service. Cops charged him with second-degree arson and he is currently being held at the Hernando County Jail on $3,000 bond. Melissa Mazelin, who lives close to the library, branded Brannen as “very stupid.” Meanwhile Kevin Carroll, Assistant Fire Chief for the Hernando County Fire Dept., said the fake fighter’s equipment, including his air tank, was probably out of date. “We’re not sure what he had in this bottle, if anything at all,” Carroll told BayNews9.com. “And if he had actually connected to it and there was not air in there, he could actually suffocate.” Everybody wants to be a hero in today’s attention-slorin’ world. SMH.
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Random Ridiculousness: Man Popped By One-Time For Setting Blaze Then Putting Out Fire So He Could Land Job As A Firefighter